How to Tie a Palomar Fishing Knot

How To

This relatively simple knot is one of the most reliable fishing knots out there. In fact, when executed correctly, this fisherman’s knot is nearly 100% secure. 

Learning to tie this fishing knot is helpful because you can use it with every type of fishing line. Follow our step-by-step directions and discover why many anglers call the Palomar Knot “the best fishing knot.”



    • None


  • 2 minutes

Six Steps to Tie a Palomar Knot

Learn how to quickly and effectively tie a Palomar Knot with the fishing line of your choice. Remember, being able to tie a Palomar Knot quickly will only happen with repetition. If your first attempts don’t work out, stay patient and keep practicing. 

Image of Step 1 of tying a Palomar knot. Pass a small amount of fishing line through the eye of the fish hook.
Pass a small amount of fishing line through the eye of the fish hook. Make sure the loop is big enough to accommodate the following steps.
Image of Step 2 of tying a Palomar knot. Pass the new loop behind the line.
Pass the new loop behind the line.
Image of Step 3 of tying a Palomar knot. Wrap the loop end around the straight line and pull it through.
Wrap the loop end around the straight line and pull it through.


Image of Step 4 of tying a Palomar knot. Pass the loop around the hook.
Pass the loop around the hook.


Image of Step 5 of tying a Palomar knot. Bring the loop up around the hook, allowing the hook to fall inside the loop.
Bring the loop up around the hook, allowing the hook to fall inside the loop.
Image of Step 6 of tying a Palomar knot. Double-check that you’ve secured your completed Palomar Knot to the eye, not to the shank of the hook.
Double-check that you’ve secured your completed Palomar Knot to the eye, not to the shank of the hook.

Man holding fish caught with a Palomar fishing knot.

Mel’s Outdoors Tips & Tricks

This is a knot I turn to most often when I’m out on the water because it’s just so reliable and versatile. You can use it with monofilament, fluorocarbon, and braided lines, depending on your preference or how you’re feeling that day. 

When to Use a Palomar Knot

You can use a Palomar Knot for almost any instance, but I tend to use it a lot when I’m working with braided lines.

If you need another fishing knot under your belt, check out our step-by-step instructions for an Improved Clinch Knot. This is a knot that works exceptionally well for lighter lines. 

Get Fishing With Mel’s Outdoors Supplies

Whether you’re a fishing fanatic, avid hunter, or all of the above, our goal at Mel’s Outdoors is to bring you everything you need to escape into and enjoy nature! Don’t forget to shop our extensive collection of fishing lines as you prepare for a successful season out on the water. 

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