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Rapala Ice Skimmer with Chipper


Rapala Ice Skimmer with Chipper is made from galvanized steel into a 5″ strainer cup mounted to a brawny handlebar with a hook.

Availability: 9 in stock

SKU: RISWC20 Categories: , , Tag:

One is not enough. Everyone has the “skimmer down the hole” story. Rapala Ice Skimmer with Chipper is made from galvanized steel into a 5″ strainer cup. This is mounted to a brawny handlebar with hook. Top end features an effective chipper (includes chipper cover for safety).


  • 5″ skimmer, the size preferred by most anglers
  • Chipper clears edges and reopens just frozen over holes
  • 20″ length handle keeps you dry
  • Red/Silver
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Skip to the beginning of the images gallery Rapala Ice Skimmer with ChipperRapala Ice Skimmer with Chipper

Availability: 9 in stock

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