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Skandia Tungsten Pelkie Jigs


This jig features the  traditional Russian “Marmooska” design with super sharp hooks.  Compact design combined with the heavy weight of tungsten.  Sold 3 Per Pack.

Skandia Tungsten Pelkie Jigs are constructed of tungsten to offer a heavier, yet smaller profile jig. To increase penetration and hold, these jigs are designed with extra-sharp hooks. Skandia Pelkie Jigs are perfect for ice fishing, with a great action when jigged. A bead placed just behind the head adds attraction. Please note: The bead color varies per package.

Skandia Tungsten Pelkie Jigs Features:

  • Sold 3 per pack
  • Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,  and 14
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in

4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14


Glow Red, Fire Tiger, Black, Black Orange Chartreuse, Orange Chartreuse, Orange Gold, Perch, White Tiger, Nickle, Gold, Copper, Glow Shad, Green Glow, Blue Glow, Glow, Glow Spot, Red Bug Glow, Yellow Dot, Purple Glow, Wonder Glow, Glow Bloody Nose, Green Candy Stripe Glow, Orange Candy Stripe Glow, Chartreuse Candy Stripe Glow, Pink Candy Stripe Glow, Wonder Bright Glow, Black Gold Glitter, Black Red Glitter, Black Purple Glitter, Black Green Glitter, Green Candy Stripe, Orange Candy Stripe, Chartreuse Candy Stripe, Pink Candy Stripe, Clown Glow, Wonderbright Chartreuse, Electric Chicken, Glow Chartreuse

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Skandia Tungsten Pelkie Jigs
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