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Smith & Wesson Model 10 Classic Revolver 150786 38


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Smith & Wesson makes it possible for you to own a piece of history in the making with this M10 Classic revolvers. They’re the finest new handguns

possible with designs hearkening back to the most famous and collectible guns that Smith & Wesson ever constructed. Each is based on a model known for legendary performance then enhanced with modern advantages. They’re the timeless best of both worlds, Smith & Wesson Classics.

Model number: 10-14
Vendor Number: 150786
Caliber: 38 Spl
Class: Revolver
Barrel length: 4″
Action Type: Revolver
Grip: Wood Grips
Finish: Blued
Chamber: 38 Spl
Capacity: 6
Safety: Hammer
Trigger: Standard single/double
Weight: 36 oz
Sights: Fixed
Overall length: 9″
Frame: Steel
Length of pull: N/A
Rifle Twist: 1:18.78″
Number of Mags 0
Manufactory Warranty: Lifetime service policy
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