Cleaning & Refinishing

Maintenance. In addition to going to your local gun store to window shop, cleaning your current gun collection is something that should be part of your regular routine. Regardless of if you frequently fire your guns, build up and rust can occur over time. So staying on top of this and regularly maintaining your firearms is a great way to prevent issues in the future.

It can be hard to find time for a deep-clean of all your guns, so a good rule of thumb is to try to clean them after each trip to the range (or trip to your back yard, for those of us lucky enough to still live in the country). For your less frequently used firearms, like hunting rifles, you can get away with cleaning them only at the beginning and end of each Hunting Season.

Regardless of if you go through the full cleaning process with each firearm, a monthly inspection is still recommended to ensure as long of a life as possible!

Maintenance. In addition to going to your local gun store to window shop, cleaning your current gun collection is something that should be part of your regular routine. Regardless of if you frequently fire your guns, build up and rust can occur over time. So staying on top of this and regularly maintaining your firearms is a great way to prevent issues in the future.

It can be hard to find time for a deep-clean of all your guns, so a good rule of thumb is to try to clean them after each trip to the range (or trip to your back yard, for those of us lucky enough to still live in the country). For your less frequently used firearms, like hunting rifles, you can get away with cleaning them only at the beginning and end of each Hunting Season.

Regardless of if you go through the full cleaning process with each firearm, a monthly inspection is still recommended to ensure as long of a life as possible!

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